
good news

WHAT GOD DID Because of human brokenness and wickedness, people became separated from God. So God made a way to bring the lost human race back to him. He humbled himself and became a man, Jesus. Even though he had all the frailty and limitations of a man, he lived a perfect life. Eventually, the innocent Jesus, after an unjust trial, allowed himself to be tortured and executed most brutally.

Three days after he died, he rose from the dead and is now forevermore the God-man Jesus Christ. Because of this, Jesus has all authority over sin and death. He has the authority to say, "I have a free gift for you. It is forgiveness of all your sins, past, present and future. I will live in you, and you will live in me. In this life, you will learn what it means to live for me and to love others through my power. After you die, you will live forever. This free gift is available to you."

WHAT YOU DO. Turn from your old life and turn to God. Have faith that Jesus died for your sins and then rose from the dead. Just accept the gift of forgiveness, dynamic relationship, new life now, and eternal life after you die. God will make miraculous, seemingly impossible changes in your life.

Do you have questions? Does this seem too simple? We would love to talk to you.